Opening day dawned a balmy 46 degrees with no snow in sight!! We hit a high of 63 about 1:30. Warm and sunny enough to put Jack and some other standers asleep on the stand. (who knows what went through!)

The crew got started in fits and starts after a good night. Jim never did get going mostly due to a 4 bubbler on the present from Temke. But there were a couple of others checking for gold flakes in the morning too. That was some good stuff!! Egan drifted in and out and gave up when he couldn't count a pair of 10s.

Justin scored a bunch of firsts; his first deer and first Buck on the first drive of the first day.

And guess who was looking for Mary by the big rock!!

Day 2 started much the same as the first at 35 degrees up to 46 until about noon when the wind picked up and the drizzle started. Matt had gotten a nice nubbin buck that went about 110 lbs. Every body headed to Lloyds for the packer game and Jim found some more Gold Schlager!!

The card game broke up about 3:30am so things didn't get going until later on day 3. The deer are hanging tight and you almost have to step on them. Robert exploded a 4" maple while poping at a bolting baldy. It's still running. The day ended with a blizzard that lasted about 20 minutes after which 4 or 5 deer walked right past the shack on this side of the beaver pond.

Tuesday started 30 degrees and warmed up to 35. Scott spotted a nice spike that wouldn't get out of bed so he shot it. Wednesday was more of the same, warming from 25 to 33 degrees. Temke wounded a little pine when a buck jumped him and Jeff brought home the meat on the next drive. After Scott's buck filled the frying pans, the card game once again went til 4:30am!!

Would you believe it?? Thanksgiving dawned 35 degrees and sunny and warmed up to 46 by noon. Warm enough that a black bear joined the drive and came out on Mike Temke. The Kahuna tried to jump in Jim's truck with him, so it was decided to drive the swamp on old 8. Temke's 7 pointer almost ran up and kissed him so he had to shoot it. Rex swears it was a lot bigger than what we found at the end of the blood trail though. The Kahuna must still be running! JC is recovering from the DT's brought on by doe slayer withdrawl when he let 6 of them run all the way across the field without firing a shot.

Friday the rest of the late crew showed up and we hunted hard all day but should have given up after JR got the buck that Temke missed on Wednesday. A nice spike with real high tines. The last drive of the day ended at the Red Arrow at $27 a round!! What a place!!! Just after dark JR caught the Kahuna crossing the road into where we had made our last drive. Go figure. High 40s all day.

The rain started about 2am Saturday morning and it drizzled all day. Temps in the low 50s. No one wanted pneumonia so we cleaned the shack, loaded up, and broke camp for the year.

So ends the 2001 season. All and all not a bad year. 5 bucks and 2 doe and a good time was had by all!!!

P.S. The Dr. was left at the shack for next year!

Temke's first since 1986!!

Big nuts and little nuts!!

What the heck, it's meat!!

Scott's buddies!!

JR's first since 1982!!
This space available!!
Get me some more pictures!!

JR showing how it's done!!

The early crew??

The late crew.


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